..::Don't Force Me:::..

I'd patient enough ad....
Now, i cannot stand it anymore!!!!!
why force me till this kind of damn #$%^%^%&^& situation...
I won't tolerate anymore,
I just want to accomplish my own things,
I just hope everything run smoothly,
I'll strive my best for that...
once the event finished,
i will just shout and say: 'BYE BYE'!!
Nothing will left anymore...

I'd being patient all the time from the beginning,
but now seens my contribution didn't worth anything,
instead i just get one word: 'FAIL'....

so the conclusion is that:
after lots of work and time consumed, i'm FAIL!!!!!!!

i'd found myself back...
i'm glad about that...

i'm countdowning to the time when i'll be free...
Then,i'll be back...

Ben Dan...