
This week really a very busy week for me and i think, all of my friends... Challenges are everywhere at anytime, i feel damn stress about that! Special thx to candy, coz i feel more determined after viewing her blog.... 'Obstacles make me grow'..... So, i cannot give up easily, but i have to be tough enough to face all these challenges instead!!! As my sis always remind me that, there's always law in attraction. Thing goes as how i think and interprete it..... all the best to me n my friends oo.... JIA U!!


Chinese new year going to finish soon,my busy life have starting too... How's everyone CNY celebration?? As for me, i feel nothing extraordinary on it. Is it because i'd grown older??? I'm wondering about it.... hehe..

Today, Zi Binz had discharge from hospital. He'd recover from jaundice oo... Very pleasure that he's a healthy, cute and handsome baby now!!! My family has a new member lo.... welcome this little angel so much (",)

My studies become more and more busier... Next week gonna have 2 quizss and 1 midterm exam! OMG.... May god bless me to cope with these challenges well then...


农历新年又过了,又是一个全新的开始咯! 我有很多东西要在今年完成哦。。。希望我能够做到,达到目标。在这个新年里,我要让自己快快乐乐,开开心心的度过!!! 就快20岁了,感觉到自己真的长大了。很多以前忽略的事情,现在都会慢慢的学会珍惜。。。希望我不会再错过了。

大家一起加油吧!! 一定要快乐哦。。。(”,)